
For the updated list of my publication, please see my Google Scholar Page.

Refereed Journal Publications

1. Olga Jumbo, Ramin Moghaddass, 2022, Resource optimization and image processing for vegetation management programs in power distribution networks, Applied Energy, 319, 119234.

2. Ramin Moghaddass, Yongtao Guan, 2022, Optimal Frameworks for Detecting Anomalies in Sensor-Intensive Heterogeneous Networks, INFORMS Journal of Computing, 34(5), 2383-2865.

3. Feiran Xu, Ramin Moghaddass, 2022, Scalable Methods for Large Scale Network Anomaly Detection, IISE Transactions, 1-18.

4. MA Hooshmand, CS Toledo, R Moghaddas, E Skordilis, Data Analytics for Diagnosis and Prediction of Central LineAssociated Bloodstream Infections in Critical Care Units, CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing, 2022.

5. Abdullah Alghuried, Ramin Moghaddass, Anomaly Detection in Large-Scale Networks: A State-Space Decision Process, Journal of Quality Technology, 54 (1), 65-92, 2020.

6. Erotokritos Skordilis, Ramin Moghaddass, A deep reinforcement learning approach for real-time sensor-driven decision making and predictive analytics, Computers and Industrial Engineering, 147, 1-17, 2020.

7. Erotokritos Skordilis, Ramin Moghaddass, A double hybrid state-space model for real-time sensor-driven monitoring of deteriorating systems, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 17 (1), 72-87, 2020.

8. RaminMoghaddass, Osama Mohammed, Erotokritos Skordilis, Shihab Asfour, Smart control of fleets of electric vehicles in smart & connected communities. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 10(6), 6883-6897, 2019.

9. RaminMoghaddass, Shuangwen Sheng, An anomaly detection framework for dynamic systems using a Bayesian hierarchical framework, Applied Energy, 240, 561-582, 2019.

10. Ramin Moghaddass, Seyda Ertekin, Joint optimization of ordering and maintenance with condition monitoring data, Annals of Operations Research, 263(1-2), 271-310, 2018.

11. Ramin Moghaddass and Jianhui Wang, A hierarchical framework for smart grid anomaly detection using large-scale smart meter data, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 9(6), 5820-5830, 2018.

12. Ahmed Abdulaal, Ramin Moghaddass, Shihab Asfour, Two-stage discrete-continuous multi-objective load optimization: an industrial consumer utility approach to demand response, Applied Energy, 206, 206-221, 2017.

13. Erotokritos Skordilis, Ramin Moghaddass, A condition monitoring approach for real-time monitoring of degrading systems using Kalman filter and logistic regression, International Journal of Production Research, 55 (19), 5579-5596, 2017.

14. Ramin Moghaddass, Cynthia Rudin, David Madigan, The factorized self-controlled case series method: an approach for estimating the effects of many drugs on many outcomes, Journal of Machine Learning Research, 17 (185), 1-24, 2016.

15. Mayank Pandey, Ming J Zuo, Ramin Moghaddass, Selective maintenance scheduling over a finite planning horizon, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O: Journal of Risk and Reliability, 230(2), 162-177, 2016.

16. RaminMoghaddass, Cynthia Rudin, The latent state hazard model, with application to wind turbine reliability, Annals of Applied Statistics, 9(4), 1823-1863, 2015.

17. Ramin Moghaddass, Ming J Zuo, Yu Liu, Hongzhong Huang, Predictive analytics with inhomogeneous semi-Markov model using inspection data, IIE Transactions, 47(5), 505-520, 2015.

18. Ramin Moghaddass, Ming J Zuo, An integrated framework for online diagnostic and prognostic health monitoring using a multistate deterioration process, Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 124, 92-104, 2014.

19. Ramin Moghaddass, Ming J Zuo, Multistate degradation modeling and supervised estimation methods for a condition monitored device, IIE Transactions, 46(2), 131-148, 2013.

20. Mayank Pandey, Ming J Zuo, Ramin Moghaddass, and M.K Tiwari, Selective maintenance for binary systems under imperfect repair, Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 113(1), 42-51, 2013.

21. Mayank Pandey, Ming J Zuo, and Ramin Moghaddass, Selective maintenance modeling for multistate system with multistate components under imperfect maintenance, IIE Transactions, 45(11), 1221-1234, 2013.

22. Ramin Moghaddass, and Ming J Zuo, A parameter estimation method for a condition monitored equipment under multi-state deterioration, Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 106, 94-103, 2012.

23. Ramin Moghaddass, Ming J Zuo, and Mayank Pandey, Optimal design and maintenance of a multi-state repairable system with standby components, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 142(8), 2409-2420, 2012.

24. Ramin Moghaddass, Ming J Zuo, and Wenbin Wang, Availability of a general k-out-of-n:G system with nonidentical components considering shut-off rules using quasi-birth-death process, Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 96(4), 489-496, 2011.

25. Ramin Moghaddass, Ming J Zuo, and Jian Qu, Reliability and availability analysis of a repairable k-out-of-n:g system with R repairmen subject to shut-off rules, IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 60(3), 658-666, 2011.

26. Wei Li, Ming J Zuo, Ramin Moghaddass, Optimal design of multi-state weighted series-parallel system using physical programming and genetic algorithms, Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research, 28(4), 543-562, 2011.   


Refereed Book Chapters        

1. Ramin Moghaddass, Zachary Bohl, Raul Billini, and Shihab Asfour, A Bayesian Model for Monitoring and Generating Alarms for Deteriorating Systems Working Under Varying Operating Conditions, In Multicriteria and Optimization Models for Risk, Reliability, and Maintenance Decision Analysis, International Series in Operations Research & Management Science, Springer, 321, 249281, 2022.

2. Ramin Moghaddass, Ming J Zuo, Multistate degradation and condition monitoring for devices with multiple independent failure modes, In Applied Reliability Engineering and Risk Analysis: Probabilistic Models and Statistical Inference, Wiley, John & Sons, 17-31, 2013.

3. Ramin Moghaddass, Ming J Zuo, and Xiaomin Zhao, Modeling equipment with multistate degradation with nonhomogeneous continuous-time hidden semi-Markov process, In Diagnostics & Prognostics of Engineering Systems: Methods and Techniques, IGI Global, 151-181, 2013.

4. Xiaomin Zhao, Ming J Zuo, and Ramin Moghaddass, Generating indicators for diagnosis of fault levels by integrating information from two or more sensors, In Diagnostics & Prognostics of Engineering Systems: Methods and Techniques, IGI Global, 74-97, 2013.


Refereed Conference Papers

1. Tanzin Farhat, Ramin Moghaddass, 2022, Modeling Degradation Systems with Latent States: A Framework
with State Space Models and Recurrent Neural Network, Annual Conference of the PHM Society, 14 (1).

2. Erotokritos Skordilis, and Ramin Moghaddass, Tanzin Farhat, 2023, A Generative Reinforcement Learning

Framework for Predictive Analytics, Proceedings of the Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium, Orlando, USA.

3. Erotokritos Skordilis, and Ramin Moghaddass, 2018, A hybrid state particle filter for failure prognosis in deteriorating systems, Proceedings of the Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium, Orlando, USA.

4. Ramin Moghaddass and Ming J Zuo, 2013, Condition-based replacement policy for a device using interval-censored inspection data, Proceedings of the Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium, Orlando, USA.
5. Ramin Moghaddass and Ming J Zuo, 2012, Multi-state degradation analysis for a condition monitored device with unobservable states, Proceedings of the International Conference on Quality, Reliability, Risk, Maintenance, and Safety Engineering, ICQR2MSE 2012, Chengdu, China.

6. Mayank Pandey, Ming J Zuo, and Ramin Moghaddass, 2012, Selective maintenance for binary systems using age-based imperfect repair model, Proceedings of the International Conference on Quality, Reliability, Risk, Maintenance, and Safety Engineering, ICQR2MSE 2012, Chengdu, China.

7. Ramin Moghaddass and Ming J Zuo, 2012, Fault diagnosis for multi-state equipment with multiple failure modes, Proceedings of the Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium, Reno, Nevada, USA.

8. Ramin Moghaddass and Ming J Zuo, 2011, A parameter estimation method for a multi-state deteriorating system with incomplete information, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Reliability: Theory, Methods, and Applications, 34-42, Beijing, China.

9. Ramin Moghaddass and Ming J Zuo, 2011, Optimal design of repairable k-out-of-n systems considering maintenance, Proceedings of the Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium, 1-6, Orlando, USA.

10. Ramin Moghaddass, Ming J Zuo, and Wenbin Wang, 2010, Availability analysis of a general repairable k-outof- n:G system considering shut-off rules, Proceedings of The World Congress on Engineering Asset Management, Queensland, Australia.



1. A. Nour Hosseini, R. Moghaddass, 2005, 4rd edition, Plants Layout and Location, Rahian Arshad (Azadeh), Tehran, Iran, (In Farsi, 376 pages). (ISBN: 978 978-964-501-346-0)


Submitted/Working Journal Publications

1. Olga Sanchez, Ramin Moghaddass, Resource Optimization and Image Processing for Vegetation Management Programs in Power Distribution Networks, Submitted to Applied Energy, 2021.

2. Mohammadmahdi Hajiha, Xiao Liu, Young Lee, Ramin Moghaddass, A Physics-Regularized Data-Driven

Approach for Health Prognostics of Complex Engineered Systems with Dependent Health States, 1st revision under review at Reliability Engineering and Systems Safety, 2021.

3. Ramin Moghaddass, Cynthia Rudin, Bayesian Patchworks: An Approach to Case-Based Reasoning, to be submitted, arXiv:1809.03541.


Non-Peer Reviewed Publications

1. Ahmed R. Abdulaal, Ramin Moghaddass, and Shihab Asfour, 2017, Why are Non-Residential Consumers Key Enablers of Smart Grid?, IEEE Smart Grid Newsletter (Invited Article)
